
Greek Small Letter Sigma (σ) – Meaning, Uses, and Examples

Discover the meaning, uses, and examples of the Greek Small Letter Sigma (σ). Learn how and where to use this symbol effectively.
Attribute Value
HTML Entity σ

Relation Symbols

ς Greek small letter final sigma
ͻ Greek reversed lunate sigma symbol
Ͻ Greek capital reversed lunate sigma symbol
N-ary summation
Double-struck N-ary summation
ϛ Greek small letter stigma
Ϛ Greek capital letter stigma
𝚺 Mathematical bold capital sigma
𝛔 Mathematical bold small sigma
𝜮 Mathematical italic capital sigma
𝝈 Mathematical italic small sigma
𝞢 Mathematical bold italic capital sigma
𝞼 Mathematical bold italic small sigma
Σx Sum of x
Σ(x) Sum of function x
Σᵢ Sigma with subscript i
Σⁿ Sigma with superscript n
∑∑ Double summation
∑∑∑ Triple summation
σ² Sigma squared variance
σx Standard deviation of x
Σf(x)Δx Riemann sum
Σ→∫ Summation approaches integral
𝚺 Capital Letter Sigma
𝛔 Small Letter Sigma
𝞢 Mathematical Sans-Serif Capital Sigma
𝞨 Mathematical Sans-Serif Bold Capital Sigma
𝞼 Mathematical Sans-Serif Small Sigma
Ϻ Greek Capital Letter Sigma
Latin Letter Small Sigma
Latin Capital Sigma
σ Greek Small Letter Sigma
Circled Uppercase Sigma
Circled Lowercase Sigma
𝗦 Bold Uppercase Sigma
𝘀 Bold Lowercase Sigma
𝚺 Double-Struck Capital Sigma
𝚼 Double-Struck Lowercase Sigma
𝕾 Bold Fraktur Capital Sigma
𝔖 Mathematical Fraktur Capital Sigma
Subscript Sigma
ˢ Superscript Sigma
𝒮 Sigma-algebra
𝓢 Cursive Sigma
Σ(x) Sigma Function
σ-bond Sigma Bond
σ′ Sigma Prime
∑≈ Sigma Approximation
Summation Symbol
𝞭 Sigma Completion
σ→ Sigma Substitution
lim Σ Sigma Limit
∫Σ Sigma Integral
Σn Sigma Notation
∮Σ Integral over Sigma
𝛛Σ Partial Sigma
Inverted Summation
𝓕(Σ) Sigma Field
ℓΣ Sigma Form
∑= Sigma Calculation
𝜮⃗ Vector Sigma
Capital Sigma Dotted
σ✚ Lowercase Sigma Crossed
⟶Σ Sigma Transition
Σ− Sigma Minus
Σ+ Sigma Plus
σ⋅ Sigma Dot
σ• Sigma Bullet
σ| Sigma Bar
Σ/ Sigma Slash
σ⊂ Sigma Subset
Σ⊃ Sigma Superset
σ∈ Sigma Membership
ΣΔ Sigma Difference
𝒯(Σ) Sigma Topology
σₘₐₜ Sigma Matrix
σ̃ Sigma Wave
σΓ Sigma Gamma
ΣΠ Sigma Pi
ΣΤ Sigma Tau
ΣΠ(x) Summation of Products
Σexp(x) Summation of Exponentials
Σκ Sigma Kappa
Σ(r,θ) Sigma Polar Coordinates
Σ^2 Sigma to the Power
σ(p) Sigma Prime Number
∫Σ(x) Sigma Calculus
Σgeom Sigma Geometry
Σ(T) Sigma Topology Equation
Σₛₑᵣ Sigma Series
Σₑₓₚ Sigma Series Expansion
Σₜᵢₘₑ Sigma Time Series
σ⋅p Sigma Point
σ∂ Sigma Boundary
Σ∬ Sigma Double Integral
ΣΔT Sigma Triangle
σ(x,y) Sigma Multivariate
Σₙ Sigma Closed Form
∮ΣP Sigma Closed Path
σ=const Sigma as a Constant
Σ(A) Sigma Analysis
Σop Sigma Operator
∮Σ(x) Sigma Path Integral
σ∠ Sigma Rotation